“We are the Nottingham skaters, we skate for fun and fitness but mainly fun. Whether its outdoors or indoor there’s always some skating going on. Tuesday nights (Between March and September since its dry) we hit the street of Nottingham. Sunny summer weekends, we can be found in various car parks across the university campus or idly skating around the river Trent. Cold winter days are spent in local sports halls practising skills and playing games. All this ends with a trip to a pub for food and a drink.”
Note, the location given in the map below is approximate. Please contact Nottingham Skaters directly to find exact locations and times of skates.
The Nottingham Skaters
Nottinghamshire United Kingdom
Nottinghamshire United Kingdom
Please let me know times & place when Street skating in Nottingham thanks
Hello are organised skates still taking place in Nottingham? Would love to come and join, not many skaters where I live
Best take a look at their FaceBook page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/168329883232804/.
I’m starting to skate and I would love to learn a lot from people, have fun and skate lots. I was wondering if you are still meeting up and if yes, how can I join you?